Jan 27, 2009

OCAD Design Competition 2009

This design competition called for re-thinking our models of consumption. Some projects dealt with shopping experience, some with package design, others with low-impact lifestyles for the upper middle class. Essentially what I was trying to stress was that whatever problems we are experiencing are OURS to deal with. Considering that Toronto is actually experiencing something of a 'garbage crisis' where we are stockpiling our refuse, I find the following scenario to be pretty interesting.

Click to Enlarge

Completed Comment Cards:

Since posting this, some new notions have come to my attention about the atmospheric impacts of Coal-Burning Power Plants. Continuing to creating our energy in this way means, basically, that in fifteen years, it is likely that we'll be seeing water and food shortages, war and suffering across the globe. It won't matter what we have done with our packages. Indeed, with threatening technologies developed for war, an effective force could be rallied against global climate offenders. This, perhaps, is the fish we should be frying. More of these plants are being built every week to meet 'demand'. Do you give a kid everything he or she wants? But that's what's happening. When wants become like needs, all become feeds for our justified greeds...it's the opening of the oompa loompa song they sing after the humans go down the chute...wah wah...

Jan 12, 2009

Modern Day Mongolfier - Mark James Gallery





Yes indeed! Williamsburg, NY. I was pleased as punch to be invited to participate in a tremendous showing of toil at the Mark James Gallery. Joined by four other talented canadian artists, I had a great opportunity to do something really exciting and meet great people. Experimenting with found materials, I explored the aesthetic of early balloon builders. The Mongolfier brothers of nineteenth century France turned their paper-making shop into an impromptu balloon manufacturing concern. The marvelous notion swept through minds of the day and soon enough, many citizens turned aeronauts were taking to the skies teathered beneath private bubble of gas. Balloon flight has been a fantasy of mine and continues to be. The thought of going to sleep in a balloon and waking up in a balloon is, for some reason, incredibly attractive. High above the earth, silently drifting along, embedded in the flowing aircurrent...Oh that i were a Mongolfier. Thanks be to Lukas Geronminas, Dylan Eastgaard, Ryan Forster and Niall McClelland.
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