Dec 2, 2007

Mrs. Helmet Hat

Mrs. Helmet Hat is in town for the holidays and she's looking saucy. While working on prototypes for this winter cycling product, I was glad to have Sheila around to model for me. Make no mistake, it's a unisex product and designed to fit most helmet sizes. Right now, developing the earflap is my main focus.

In general I find winter cycling a challenge. It is tough to coax one's self out there to begin's cold, it's less safe than usual and if youre into helemets to safen things up, you have to somehow negotiate the headwarmth situation. I see people jamming their helmet over a toque which im sure works fine but it strikes me as less than ideal.

The helmet hat is intended to be a more unified approach to cold weather cycling as well as an opportunity for enhanced style. Natural, breathable wool hats are popular throughout various cultures and with youth. That being the case, we might have a shot at this. Materials for these hats often come from leftovers from my line of jackets. How about that.

Any interested parties, contact

Feedback appreciated.